Artful Dogs

Artful Dogs: Art & Architecture Featuring Man’s Best Friend

Artful Dogs in the press
The press loves doghouses! In 2003, we were highlighted on “Dream Builders” of Home and Garden Television. We’ve also been highlighted in some print media:
Dog Fancy, January 2007

USA Today, “Petchitecture is Booming,” December 13, 2003

Animal Fair, Design Issue/Volume 16, December 2003

Smart Living in Baltimore, Style section, “Barbara Beck’s Stylish Doghouses,” November/December 2003

Chesapeake Life, “In the Doghouse,” October 2003

Washington Post, Home Section, “Houses Designed to Put on the Dog,” April 3, 2003

New York Times, Sunday Styles/Pulse, “A Dog’s Luxe Life,” December 1, 2002

Annapolis Capitol Gazette, Home of the Week, “Gone to the Dogs,” May 25, 2002

One mission of Artful Dogs is to improve the lives of animals everywhere. A portion of our profits goes to support animal charities. Please visit any of the websites listed to learn more about how you can help. Artful Dogs is not affiliated with any of these organizations.

Animal Legal Defense Fund


Best Friends Animal Sanctuary – Kanab, Utah

Farm Sanctuary

The Humane Society of the United States

International Fund for Animal Welfare

Stray Rescue of St. Louis

Washington Animal Rescue League – Washington, DC